i-Covers 2009.a
i-Covers connects to the Internet and downloads data about your favorite movies. This kind of tool is indispensable for any movie enthusiast!
With i-Covers there is almost no way you won’t get a movie’s poster as the application gets information from 16 different databases:
Affiches Cinema, AlloCine, Cinefil, CinEmotions, CineMovies, Cinema Passion, Cover Comoz, Cover Futur, Doohan Covers, DvdFr, Goldivx, HD Covers, Internet Movie Poster Awards, MovieCovers, MoviePoster, and Vintage Movie Poster.
i-Covers is easy to work with: input the movie title, choose one of the 16 databases and press the “Search” button.
A limitation of i-Covers is the fact it can only look at one database at a time in default mode, which means you may be spending some time searching data about a less-known film.
There is an option allowing you to search multiple databases at the same time, but on the other hand search will last longer.
Affiches Cinema, AlloCine, Cinefil, CinEmotions, CineMovies, Cinema Passion, Cover Comoz, Cover Futur, Doohan Covers, DvdFr, Goldivx, HD Covers, Internet Movie Poster Awards, MovieCovers, MoviePoster, and Vintage Movie Poster.
i-Covers is easy to work with: input the movie title, choose one of the 16 databases and press the “Search” button.
A limitation of i-Covers is the fact it can only look at one database at a time in default mode, which means you may be spending some time searching data about a less-known film.
There is an option allowing you to search multiple databases at the same time, but on the other hand search will last longer.